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Sen. Cruz: We Celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ, Our Promised Savior

HOUSTON, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) issued the following statement in advance of Christmas Day: 

“In this season of hope, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The promised Savior, born in Bethlehem, came that we may know Him and his everlasting love and redemption.

“Evidence of Christ’s love can be found all across the Lone Star State. Just this week, high school students and others volunteered their time with Lubbock’s Meals on Wheels to distribute more than 400 boxes of supplies for seniors. In Laredo, United Middle School students collected presents for children living at Casa De Misericordia, a shelter for survivors of domestic violence. And nearly 1,800 children in Georgetown received gifts from the Williamson County Sheriff's Office. All around us, there are stories of Texans sharing the joy of Christmas with their neighbors. 

“We also remember our servicemen and women who are spending the holiday season far away from home at sea or deployed in a foreign land. We pray for their safe return. And we remember their families, who sacrifice enormously for our great country.

“Heidi and I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. May God continue to bless the great state of Texas and the United States of America.”

Sen. Cruz also released a video wishing America’s armed forces and their families a Merry Christmas, and thanking them for their service. The video is being played overseas on the American Forces Network. Watch the full video here. A transcript is below. 

“Hi, I want to take a moment to say ‘thank you’ for your dedicated service to our great country.

“Y’all represent the finest qualities of the United States: service to others and sacrifice of self. The enormous sacrifices you and your family make each day in order to secure our freedoms don’t go unnoticed. America owes you, your families, and the generations of great Americans who have answered the call to defend our country a debt that we can never fully repay.

“As we prepare for a season of celebration, we are thinking of our servicemen and women who are spending the holidays far away from home, at sea, or deployed in a foreign land. We are praying for your safe return. Heidi and I want to wish every member of the armed forces and their families a very Merry Christmas, and a blessed New Year. May God bless America, and may God bless each and every one of you.”
