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Sen Cruz: Honors the Devotion of Dr. Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia in the Fight for Democracy and Freedom for the Chinese People

Introduces legislation to grant lawful permanent resident status for democratic freedom advocate Liu Xia

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today introduced a bipartisan bill with Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) to grant lawful permanent resident status in the United States for Liu Xia, the wife of Dr. Liu Xiaobo. Additionally, this bill recognizes Dr. Liu for his lifetime fight against the Communist Party of China, serving as a brave pro-democracy dissident who worked endlessly to expose the injustices of communism in China. Together, Dr. Liu and Liu Xia have fought ceaselessly to promote democracy and freedom in China. for which we honor and respect their devotion to democracy.


"Once again, the Communist Party of China has revealed its true nature. After Liu Xiaobo, the greatest voice for democracy and freedom in China in a generation, passed away last week, Xi Jinping's apparatchiks unceremoniously cremated Liu and ordered the unusual step of distributing his ashes at sea. By denying a final physical resting place for this Nobel laureate, Xi Jinping has confirmed what we have long suspected: even in death, the PRC fears Liu Xiaobo.


"If Xi Jinping thinks Dr. Liu's fight for the soul of China is over, he is gravely mistaken. The fight for a liberalized China must continue, and the next step in that effort is securing the safety of his wife Liu Xia. For that reason, I am proud to introduce bipartisan legislation with Sen. Leahy and Sen. Tillis that would grant Dr. Liu's widow lawful permanent resident status in the United States, where she can live without fear of retribution from Chinese authorities. I look forward to continuing the earnest work with my colleagues and the Trump administration to secure Liu Xia's release from China."


In addition to introducing a bill calling for Liu Xia's freedom, Sen. Cruz, along with Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), introduced a companion resolution with Rep. Mark Meadows honoring the life and work of Liu Xiaobo. Senator Cruz delivered speeches on the Senate floor last week, as well as September, October, and November of 2015 to call attention to Dr. Liu's plight and human rights abuses in communist China.


The full text of the bill honoring Dr. Liu Xiaobo can be viewed here.

