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ICYMI: Sen. Cruz at CPAC: This Year We Have A Historic Opportunity to Honor Our Promises to The American People

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yesterday, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) joined radio host Mark Levin on stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) for a conversation about the Constitution and current events. 

“We have the opportunity for this to be a historic Congress, the most productive Congress in decades,” Sen. Cruz said. “This year, in 2017, we should repeal Obamacare, confirm a strong conservative to the Supreme Court, and pass fundamental tax reform, ideally a flat tax. And let me add one more thing to that list. We ought to pass the legislation that I've introduced with Lindsey Graham to defund the United Nations until they reverse their anti-Israel resolution. And if we do that, 2017 will be an historic milestone year. What I'm encouraging President Trump and the Cabinet and congressional leaders to do, is let's keep our promises. Let's do what we said we would do, and that's what each and every one of you can hold all of us accountable for.”

Below is a recap of yesterday’s coverage: 

CNS News: Ted Cruz at CPAC: Thank You, Harry Reid, for the ‘Most Conservative Cabinet in Decades’

Holding a “Conversation about the Constitution” with talk-radio host Mark Levin at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, Senator Ted Cruz, thanked former Senator Harry Reid for curbing the ability of the Senate to filibuster the confirmation of presidential appointments…“It is a direct result of Harry Reid,” Sen. Cruz said, “that we now have the most conservative cabinet in decades.” 

Daily Signal: Ted Cruz, at CPAC, Urges Term Limits for Congress

Now is the time for lawmakers to follow through on promises they made in their 2016 campaigns, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told the crowd Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference.“This election was the American people saying, ‘Enough already with the corruption in both parties, Democrats and Republicans who have been here too long,’” Cruz said. Cruz told attendees of the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, that one significant way politicians could deliver on “draining the swamp” is by paving the way for term limits for Congress.

Breitbart: Cruz: ‘Mark My Word, Judge Grouch Will Be Confirmed”

At the 2017 Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC), while discussing President Donald Trump’s nomination to the Supreme Court Neil Gorsuch, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said, “Mark my word, Judge Gorsuch will be confirmed.”… Cruz said, “This is lawless. And it’s why after eight years of Obama that there are few if anything more important than putting principle constitutionalists on the Supreme Court. The Gorsuch nomination is important. It matters and mark my word, Judge Gorsuch will be confirmed.”

Washington Times: Cruz Urges Trump to field ‘army of … Scalias and Thomases’

Cruz said by making it easier to confirm nominees, Mr. Reid has paved the path for President Trump to not only install the most conservative Cabinet in decades, but has left an opening for a massive change in the federal judiciary… “I would like to see an army of young, principled constitutionalists on the bench, a generation of new leadership, a generation of 30-something and 40-something Scalias and Thomases,” Mr. Cruz told reporters, referring to the late Justice Antonin Scalia and current Justice Clarence Thomas, who have led the conservative wing of the Supreme Court for decades. 

LifeZette: Cruz Urges Nervous Republicans to ‘Honor Our Promise’

Cruz said the Republican-led Congress has a promise to keep to voters that lifted them to offices in strong GOP tides in 2010, 2014, and 2016. “Congress should move expeditiously to repeal Obamacare,” said Cruz. “What matters is we honor our promise.”…Cruz said the best way to proceed on repeal is to use a 2015 bill that repealed most of Obamacare. The bill would pass parliamentary procedure, and a repeal of Obamacare mandates could be added. Cruz warned his Republican colleagues not be enamored with parts of Obamacare that are not popular but add revenue to federal coffers. “There are some Senate Republicans who want to keep the Obamacare taxes, because they want to spend money,” said Cruz. “I think that would be foolish.”

Roll Call: Conservatives Want Obamacare Repeal, and They Want It Now

Cruz, who has been among the loudest voices for rolling back as much of the 2010 law as possible, was one of few lawmakers appearing at CPAC during the February congressional recess, flying back from Texas for the occasion. He got a heroes welcome from the conservative activists and media assembled at the hotel just outside D.C…“This is a test. It’s a test for Republicans in the executive and both Houses of Congress. Do we honor the promises we made? This election was a referendum on repealing Obamacare,” Cruz said in a brief interview. “I think failure is not an option.” 
