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A few words of tribute for my friend Tom Coburn, who announced he is retiring at the end of this year

Tom Coburn changed Washington. Elected to represent the great state of Oklahoma, Dr. Coburn became a voice for millions of Americans inspired by his fearless leadership and "no more business as usual" approach to legislating.

His tireless efforts to make DC listen to growing consternation over our nation's fiscal crisis forced Washington to acknowledge the problem. His willingness to scrutinize every bill and to decipher a bureaucratic tangle of government programs imposed badly needed accountability.

Tom Coburn has proven that you do not have to sacrifice principle for results, or civility for conviction—even in Washington. He has demonstrated that unwavering commitment and tireless effort can change even the most entrenched practices. He has proven, with humility, that one member can force the Senate to operate as the "cooling saucer" the Founders designed.

Most admirable, "Dr. No" has fought these hard battles and challenged the most powerful interests in Washington while earning a reputation for character, compassion, reason, candor, honesty, and fairness. Even his most ardent political opponents describe him as a trusted friend.

Dr. Coburn has made a difference in the lives of many—from the more than 4,000 babies he delivered, to the countless patients he counseled and treated, to his constituents back home, to current and future generations of Americans who owe him a debt of gratitude for his service. He has undoubtedly influenced the future of our Republic, forging a path toward renewed fidelity to the Constitution, fiscal discipline, and economic stability.

The true impact Dr. Coburn will leave on Congress is immeasurable, and I hope his legacy will permeate this place for generations to come.

I thank my friend for his selfless service, and I pray God's most abundant blessings on his future. When I ran for the Senate, he was one of my very first supporters. For that, and everything else, I am deeply grateful. I look forward to working with and continuing to learn from him in the coming year.

Washington has not been the same since Tom Coburn arrived, and it certainly will not be the same when he leaves.