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The News with Sen. Cruz - August 1, 2014

The facts show that the amnesty President Obama unilaterally declared in 2012 continues to allow dangerous drug cartels and transnational gangs to smuggle immigrant children into our country.

I am deeply disappointed that the Democrat-led Senate decided to break for August recess without curbing the President’s lawlessness.

Over August recess, I will continue to shine a light on the cause of this crisis and what we can do to stop it.

Please keep reading for more.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz

Democrats are Perpetuating the Border Crisis

On Thursday, Sen. Cruz released the following statement regarding the Senate vote on border funding legislation:

“Today Harry Reid blocked all consideration of legislation to stop President Obama’s amnesty. By refusing any debate or even a vote on legislation to stop Obama’s amnesty, Senate Democrats are cynically choosing to perpetuate the crisis. Every Senate Democrat but two voted against taking up legislation to stop President Obama's amnesty. They now own this crisis; each bears responsibility for enabling the President to march forward with plans to give amnesty to millions more who arrived in our country illegally.

“The evidence shows that the crisis at the border is a direct consequence of President Obama’s lawlessness, and the surge of unaccompanied children trafficked to the United States by drug cartels and transnational gangs will not ebb until Congress restrains the President from taking any further executive action.

“The House of Representatives is working hard to solve this crisis, but Harry Reid's do-nothing Senate has abdicated all responsibility.

“Last week, I introduced the Protect Children and Families Through Rule of Law Act that would stop President Obama’s amnesty. Faced by an extreme president who refuses to follow the law, Republicans should unite to stop the amnesty that is causing tens of thousands of children to be victimized by violent coyotes and drug cartels. The responsibility for the pain and suffering experienced by those children who are exploited by dangerous criminals and the associated burdens imposed on our border towns and cities now lies directly on Senate Democrats who would rather put hundreds of thousands more children and countless Americans at risk than stand up to the out-of-control and lawless president.”

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Sen. Cruz Requests Unanimous Consent to Keep Internet Access Tax Free

This week, Sen. Cruz requested unanimous consent to pass H.R. 3086, a bill that would stop Internet bills from increasing by making permanent the current ban on Internet access taxes, which expire in November.

No Net Tax
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“If the Senate refuses to take action, the Internet will be taxed this November," Sen. Cruz said. “For a decade and a half, Americans have been able to use the Internet all across the country free of taxes, and Republicans and Democrats have agreed on this basic principle… I would note that anyone objecting to this right now is setting the stage for a massive internet tax.”

He went on, “We ought to come together on what should be a noncontroversial bill, a bill that has passed three times before, a bill that was signed by President Bill Clinton, a bill that in this body is introduced by a senior Democrat, we ought to come together in a bipartisan way to say, we stand in unison protecting Internet tax freedom.”

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-North Dakota, objected to the legislation.

Read the full release here.

Sen. Cruz Cosponsors Bill to Ban Bulk Record Collection

This week, Sen. Cruz cosponsored the USA FREEDOM Act of 2014, which was filed on Tuesday.

“Republicans and Democrats are showing America that the government can respect the privacy rights of law-abiding citizens, while at the same time, giving law enforcement the tools needed to target terrorists,” said Sen. Cruz.

“The USA FREEDOM Act of 2014 ends the government’s bulk record collection program and implements other necessary surveillance reforms. Importantly, it also sends a strong signal that a bipartisan coalition in Congress is working to safeguard our privacy rights. I am honored to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle toward delivering this bill to the President’s desk for his signature. We need to protect the constitutional rights of every American.”

Read the full release here.

Senate Passes Cruz Bill to Pursue Justice for US Teen Murdered in Israel

This week, the Senate passed Sen. Cruz’s bipartisan rewards bill for information related to capturing the Hamas terrorists who kidnapped and murdered Naftali Fraenkel, an Israeli-U.S. citizen, on June 12, 2014.

“The Senate has sent a unified message to the world: we will not rest until the Hamas terrorists responsible for the horrific murder of Naftali Fraenkel are found and justice is served,” said Sen. Cruz. “We cannot bring our bright young Israeli-American boy back to his family, but we can take action to ensure every terrorist knows that when they harm an American citizen, they unleash the force of the strongest nation in the world and that we will do everything within our power to punish the perpetrators.

“I commend my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for recognizing that this is a critical moment to stand with Israel in the fight against radical Islamic terrorists who want to destroy the freedom inherent to the American and Israeli way of life. Israel is currently on the front lines of this fight, but as Naftali’s case illustrates, the terrorists do not distinguish between our two nations. This is our fight too and we need to support Israel in the hunt for the murderers of all three boys. I hope that the House will pass this legislation this week and send it to the President so that not another day goes by when the United States is not joining the effort to bring the terrorists who attack our citizens to justice.”

Read the full release here.

Sen. Cruz on the Senate Floor Supporting Israel’s Iron Dome

This week, Sen. Cruz joined fellow Republicans in a colloquy on the Senate floor in support of Israel’s Iron Dome. See excerpts below.

Iron Dome
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“In the last several weeks over 2,500 rockets rained down on the nation of Israel. 80 percent of the population has had to flee what they're doing and run to bomb shelters to hide: moms, dads, and children,” Sen. Cruz said. “When the alarm goes off, they have sometimes 10, 15 seconds to get to a bomb shelter. Imagine if the same thing were happening here in America.”

“Israel is currently working to carry out the grinding work to eradicate these terror tunnels that have been built under schools and kindergartens designed to kidnap and murder young children. And I would note it is an enormously difficult task, one that might prove impossible were it not for the success of Iron Dome limiting the effectiveness of those rockets. And so I would encourage this body to stand together united as one.... and speak in unison that we support the nation of Israel and that we will work with the nation of Israel immediately to replenish their Iron Dome supplies so that they can protect the citizens there and they can do what is necessary to eradicate the Hamas rockets and terror tunnels that are being used to commit war crimes.”

Read the full release here.

Sen. Cruz and Sen. Gillibrand Lead Senate Bipartisan Denouncement of Hamas

This week, Sen. Cruz filed a resolution with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-New York, to condemn the use of civilians as human shields by the terrorist group Hamas. A similar resolution is sponsored in the House by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Florida, and Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Florida.

“Hamas is undoubtedly guilty of violating international humanitarian law through its deliberate, repeated, and consistent use of civilians as human shields,” said Sen. Cruz. “Hamas is engaged in a campaign of death that knows no boundaries or morals. The United States of America, along with the entire international community must expose and denounce Hamas’ barbaric tactics and unequivocally support Israel's right to self-defense. This is not just an attack on Israel; it is an attack on free societies around the globe.”

“The use of human shields by Hamas is deplorable,” said Sen. Gillibrand. “The international community must stand up against this terrorist organization that is putting the people it claims to defend in harm’s way and support Israel’s right to defend its citizens.”

Sen. Cruz and Sen. Gillibrand’s resolution:

  • Strongly condemns the brutal and illegal tactic by Hamas and other terrorist organizations of using innocent civilians as human shields
  • Calls on the international community to recognize the grave breaches of international law committed by Hamas in using human shields
  • Places responsibility for launching the rocket attacks on Hamas and other terrorist organizations, such as Islamic Jihad, in Gaza
  • Supports the sovereign right of the Government of Israel to defend its territory and stop the rocket attacks on its citizens
  • Expresses condolences to the families of the innocent victims on both sides of the conflict
  • Supports Palestinian civilians who reject Hamas and all forms of terrorism, desiring to live in peace with their Israeli neighbors; and
  • Calls on Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the use of innocent civilians as human shields by Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

In Case You Missed It

  • Sen. Cruz publishes op-ed on the crony capitalism of the Export- Import Bank - READ
  • Sen. Cruz publishes op-ed condemning Hamas’ use of human shields – READ
  • Sen. Cruz files legislation to Sanction Iran, Safeguard America - READ
  • Sen. Cruz addresses National Conservative Student Conference - WATCH
  • Sen. Cruz releases FAA hold after FAA answers questions - READ