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The Legal Limit

Five Reports on the Obama Administration's Lawlessness

Of all the troubling aspects of the Obama presidency, none is more dangerous than the President's persistent pattern of lawlessness, his willingness to disregard the written law and instead enforce his own policies via executive fiat.

Sen. Cruz has been documenting the Obama Administration’s lawlessness and other abuses of powers in a series of reports, beginning in April 2013.

The Legal Limit Report No. 1: U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Department of Justice’s Expansive View of Federal Power
SCOTUS unanimously rejects Obama Administration’s arguments for expanded federal power nine times

The Legal Limit Report No. 2: The Obama Administration’s Lawless Acts on Obamacare and Continued Court Challenges
Repeatedly, the Administration has ignored the plain text of Obamacare, its “signature legislative achievement.”

The Legal Limit Report No. 3: The Obama Administration’s Assault on Texas
The State of Texas has been forced to file multiple lawsuits to prevent the Obama Administration from encroaching on powers reserved for the States.

The Legal Limit Report No. 4: The Obama Administration’s Abuse of Power
A catalogue of power grabs regarding national security, Obamacare, the economy, executive nominees, free speech, privacy and more.

The Legal Limit Report No. 5: The Obama Administration’s Continued Attempts to Expand Federal Power
Supreme Court has unanimously rejected Obama Administration’s arguments 20 times.